My name is Glenn Brennan from Dublin and I was fishing lough Gowna on Tues the 5th Dec  and caught this nice double figure pike drifting on a the boat with a drifting float baited with a sardine.  It was hooked a bit tricky so I wasted no time in weighing it just a quick photo and it was returned to fight another day.  In total we had 3 pike with another pike of 4 lb to a full mackerel and a 6 lb fish which fell to a copper spoon and all fish were returned to the water safely.  Im a great fan of your website as it provides accurate and current information on how the fishing is on a daily basis.  I would also like to say its great to see the fishery board out on the water as I was on lacken lake in Ballyjamesduff last week and was approached by two inspecters out on the lake, they were two nice guys who I had also met last year on lough Ramor so keep up the good work.

Glenn Brennan wins our Catch of the Week with his nice pike and photo for his double figure pike from Lough Gowna


Glen brennan with a nice double figure pike from Lough Gowna.