Lough Muckno continues to fish well at the moment and some great catches have been recorded by pleasure and competition anglers during the last week. Water levels were high over the weekend with a slight tinge of colour and there were squally showers and light onshore winds. On Saturday last 15th October 4 anglers of international standard from the Irish Angling Development Alliance (IADA) test fished a stretch at Yellow Island on Lough Muckno and produced nice mixed bags which were just short of 30lbs. Feeder and pole both produced results. Anglers fishing with the pole fished maggot at 11.5m and 14m over pinkies and caster. Catches consisted mainly of roach, hybrids and skimmers with occasional bream to 5lbs being recorded. Feeder was fished to 30m and again good catches of roach, skimmers and hybrids were recorded. The best weight of the day was recorded by Dick Caplice from Carrickmacross with 27lbs 1oz.

On the following day Sunday 16th October there was a competition between Lough Muckno CAC and South Armagh CAC at the Concra Wood Upper stretch on Lough Muckno. Fishing was difficult following the overnight drop in temperatures and water levels were still high and slightly coloured. A total of twenty anglers fished and the event was won by Philip Jackson from Lurgan with 21lbs. Second position went to Jim McAlastair from Armagh with 17lbs and third place went to Andy Chapman from Ballybay with 11lbs. Catches consisted of roach with small numbers of skimmers and hybrids. All fish caught on both days were in pristine condition and full of fight.