Big cod
Members of the French angling club Liberty Peche win Catch of the Week for this 25 lb cod.

The last week has seen some very changeable weather with gale force winds followed by the current spell of very mild settled conditions. Overall fishing has been pretty good, particularly for pike and sea anglers though there are a couple of great coarse reports in this week’s Irish Angling Update too.

Salmon angling finished at most fisheries on the 30th of September and those few late fisheries finally wound up on Wednesday. On the River Fane, Bernard Devenney of the Dundalk Salmon Anglers reports that most anglers will look back on this season as one of the best for many years. During the last week, despite heavy and rising water some excellent fish were landed. John McCaughey, Haggardstown, Dundalk had a very large fish of 17lbs which was released. On the last day of the 2011 season the Club held its annual end of season competition on the 12th of October. A total of 8 salmon were landed including one of 10lb which was released by its captor.

Trout anglers enjoyed a great end to the brown trout season on those lakes that closed on Wednesday. In particular anglers on Loughs Sheelin, Ennell and O’Flynn had some great sport. Dessie McEntee won the Garda Divisional Fly Fishing Competition and Open Competition on Lough Sheelin with his beautiful trout of 6lbs 13oz caught on a Cock Robin and the visitor’s section was won by Tony Grehen with a trout of almost 5lbs.

The Irish Angling Development Alliance, Irish Open Feeder Championships was held recently on Lough Muckno and 70 anglers weighed in 2,500lbs of mixed species over the two days of the tournament. At the Monaghan pairs also held on Muckno 46 anglers weighed in a whopping 4,830lbs of coarse fish.  This Years All Ireland Junior River Championship was help on the Mud Flats at Carrick on Shannon. The winner of the Novice section was Andrew Kelly of Leitrim youth coarse fishing club. Darragh McKenzie of Leitrim youth coarse fishing club won the Under 13′s section and Mark Fullen of Killashandra Coarse Angling Club won the under 18′s section.

There was some fantastic pike fishing reported recently. Cor van der Kolk and 3 friends caught 244 pike during a recent angling holiday at Belle Isle, Co. Fermanagh. Most of the fish were taken on traditional spoons. Peadar O’Brien guided for Filip Fontaine and some friends from Belgium on  the local lakes around Carrickmacross where they enjoyed thrilling sport.  Staying in the Monaghan area John Kerr picked up a fantastic 27 lb pike in near Ballybay. The Midlands also fished well with good piking reported from Lough Ree and the Mullingar area. Wayne Oldfield and Paul Dennis, joined Kenny Sloane for a fly-fishing trip, and were well rewarded for their efforts. The pair boated 12 pike, the largest weighing in at approximately 14lb, the rest averaging 8lbs. Large flies tied with Flashabou pearl, silver tinsel, red tinsel and white bucktail were the most productive.

Cork Harbour continues to fish well for sea anglers, particularly those in small boats. Following the Small Boats Festival at which 30 species were landed, the winning boat having 25 of these, French anglers fishing on the small boats provided by Bella Vista enjoyed tremendous success catching loads of bass to about 11lb (all returned). The Frenchmen also excelled at cod fishing with a super 25 lb fish caught and released. This fine fish wins Catch of the Week. With the porbeagle season finished off Antrim anglers fishing with Hamish Currie went back to basics hunting the deep water holes for skate, conger, spurs and so on. A few skate up to 140 lb were taken along with plenty of strap congers.

Congratulations to Mary Gavin Hughes, Europe’s and maybe even the worlds finest female charter skipper. Mary was the only Irish person to take home 2 Gold medals from the European Sea Angling Championships fished recently in Weymouth, England.

This mild weather is not set to last and temperatures will drop as southerly breezes will become fresher. The weekend will see some rain and drizzle and next week is forecast to be much colder. Heavy rain and thunderstorms are predicted along with the first frost of Autumn.

Tight lines especially in Ireland,
Paul Bourke
Angling Information Officer

Coarse angling reports

Pike fishing reports

Salmon fishing reports

Sea angling reports

Trout fishing reports