Yes we were blessed with good weather last weekend, and got some nice filming done on Derravaragh for the Failte Ireland Tourism Videos. Local angling expert Pat Keenaghan gave Liza McCann and John Gogarty a guided tour around one of our beautiful lakes here in Westmeath. We even managed to capture a few good pike on film, and the best fish was up on 18lbs.It was not all plain sailing, and the pike were difficult to catch. Visiting anglers Joe O, Brien and Stephen Butler got it hard to get a handle on the Derravaragh pike, but are planning a return trip soon to sort this out. The lads are from the Kill, and Kilmeaden area of Waterford. Stephen was interviewed by Liza and had a few great fishy tales to tell her. I will be keeping in touch with Liza and John, and hopefully get them back early March for the start of the trout season. We have a lot to offer here in the Midlands when it comes to Tourism Angling, and it’s about time it was tapped into.

Don’t forget this Sunday the Philip Moffat Memorial Cup, and the Derravaragh Christmas pike competition will be fished. Check in at Donore Shore at 11am, and fishing till 4pm.Weather permitting it will be a cracking day out for all the family. All going well Marty Smith from Macklesfield near Manchester will be over, and we will get him stuck into a good pike on Derravaragh.