Mike and Uriel with some fine Cod 2011
Mike and Uriel with some fine Cod 2011

Charter skipper, Mark Gannon reports that the fishing before we had all these lows flying across the atlantic at us remnants of Hurricane Irene no doubt was good with the wrecks fishing well with good catches of Cod, over 120 cod on one trip , fish from 4 to 15 lb and lots of sharks attacking the fish as we brought them up.   There has been good catches of Ling on the inshore wrecks fish to about 20lbs,with whiting and Haddock to about 4.5 lbs.  Inshore Pollack fishing has been good with superb sport on light tackle,Watch out for Graeme Pullens new Pollack  video totally awesome.Anthony Hislop made headlines again when on a return trip he landed another ton up skate and his fishing mates presented him with a special plaque in recognition of the superb way he played his monster skate that won fish of the month.

The Bass fishing has been good  with several fish to 10 lb,  Mark John Gannon landed a fine near Specimen while using live bait from the moorings,and a fish of 10.8 lb. was caught in Ring.  The run of fish  that was there in July seems to have dwindled a bit,more quality than quantity now.  On the wildlife front, while returning from a wrecking trip last week  we saw a Leatherback turtle,scores of Dolphins and 2 whales, a Minky and a Fin Whale.

Lady Patricia
Aquastar 38′. 370 HP

Skipper: Mark Gannon
Base: Courtmacsherry    Operational Area: 30 miles out from Courtmacsherry

Address: Woodpoint Guest House, Courtmacsherry, Co. Cork.
Telephone: +353 23 8846427 or +353 86 8250905
Email: [email protected] Web: www.courtmacsherryangling.ie