An avid follower of the Catch of the Week and keen angler got in touch over the weekend with his own big fish story. Mateusz was driving home from a meeting and as his route took him past a likely looking piece of water in Co. Cavan he decided to try his luck before the last light of the day faded. It was a nice evening with no wind and straight away he was landing small to average sized perch. Apart from perch he also had a pike bite but lost it  after short fight. The pike never came to the surface so he never got to see how big it was.

40cm and 1.1 kg; a good perch by anyone's standards
40cm and 1.1 kg; a good perch by anyone's standards

This loss was more than  made up for by his capture, soon after of caught a lovely perch measuring 40 cm which he weighed at 1,1kg. After a couple of quick photos to record the catch his fish was safely returned  to the water.

Mateusz with his catch
Mateusz with his catch