Bryan Ward reports on a recent coarse fish report in the Mayo – Upper Shannon area.

Chris Ganley and Markus Kirwan both members of Ballyhaunis and district angling club, weighed in bags of specimen bream when fishing one of the many islands on the upper Shannon over the weekend. They both managed to weigh in bags exceeding 150 lb. which were emptied several times due to the large fish they encountered. Their plan was to fish Saturday evening to Monday evening but with bad weather forecast for early Sunday morning they cut their visit short. Prebaiting the swims a couple of days prior to fishing them was the key and when the fish moved in after 3 to 4 hours of setting up they were held for 3 hours at a time and were all averaging 8 lb. biggest fish was 9 lb 2 oz. baits used were sweetcorn, maggots and worm.