Dorothy Minogue Landers from Clondanagh Cottage reports on coarse fishing in the East Clare area:
Local renowned angler, Ivan O Connell fished an East Clare Lake at Tulla on Sunday morning last, June 10th. Ivan is a firm believer in prebaiting and his work paid off. He had a total catch of 29 bream and was unable to lift his net from the water. We weighed a handful for this pic, all over 5 lb., and all caught on red maggot. He was on the lake by 7 am and it was all over at midday! The big bream are out there, timing is everything!
Regular visitor to Clondanagh Cottage, Belgian angler, Johan Boquet with a nice bream caught on East Clare Lake. Johan had heavily prebaited his swim the night before, and all fish were caught on red worm and sweetcorn. This was his biggest on the day…weighing in at 5 lb. 8 oz. Well done Johan!
Dorothy Minogue-Landers
Clondanagh Cottage
Co Clare
Telephone: 00353 86 8268862
Within Ireland: 086 8268862
E-mail: [email protected]
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