Ashley Hayden sends us this report from Carlow:
“Will you take me fishing“, is a time honoured request from wide eyed children which in today’s world is becoming harder for parents to fulfil, due most likely to work commitments or not having the knowledge or fishing experience to hand. In days gone by a father, relative, friend, or neighbour would step into the breach. With the average age of anglers climbing I believe into the late forties/early fifties these trusted angling fonts of wisdom are becoming increasingly thin on the ground. Enter stage left willing members of the Carlow Coarse Angling Club.

Setting up a pitch beside the River Barrow in Carlow Town Park, members of the C.C.A.C. armed with recently donated fishing equipment got ready to introduce coarse fishing to an attentive public in a practical informal fashion. One of many outdoor activities showcased at the Carlow Sports Partnership event held in Carlow Town Park last Sunday 1st July, warm sunshine (at least until 16.00pm) and a carnival atmosphere drew the crowds. Midday to 17.00pm went in a blur for C.C.A.C. members Ian Warburton, Noel Jenkins, and Ashley Hayden as a steady stream of youngsters and their parents tried their hand at feeder and stick float fishing.

Rigs and methods were explained along with advice on rods/reels, bait, ground bait mix, fish biology and handling. Hooks were baited and rigs cast, expectant faces watched the feeder tips waiting for the rattle then lifted as taught. Most times the hook would trail in empty, fast biting dace being a match for the most experienced angler, however a succession of dace and roach generated many smiling faces throughout the afternoon as that first fish marker was crossed.

Parents expressed their thanks which was much appreciated, to be honest though and I can speak for my colleagues here as well, it was a privilege to give the time. Angling has given us all so much over the years, great memories, friends, visits to beautiful locations, and a love of the natural world for starters. If our time given kick starts a similar path for a young boy or girl then we’ve succeeded. Well done to all who took part and thanks Gerry for the grub, it kept the blood sugar levels up on what was a very enjoyable afternoon.
Ashley Hayden,
An Angler’s world