The View from Concra Wood on Lough Muckno
The View from Concra Wood on Lough Muckno

Wednesday was Day 3 of the Lakeland’s and Inland Waterways World Pairs Coarse Angling Championship 2012 and after the weigh in this evening the half way point of the competition would have been passed. Wednesday also saw the next rotation of anglers visiting the Toome Shore and Concra Wood stretches on Lough Muckno in Castleblayney, Co Monaghan. The continued implementation of bio-security measures including the dipping of gear and footwear was welcomed by anglers and the draw was again held at the Old Coach House in Castleblayney. Anglers then headed off to set up and wait for the “all in” which signals the start of the event to be called.

An Angler Takes a Roach to Hand at Concra Wood Today
An Angler Takes a Roach to Hand at Concra Wood Today

Conditions had improved on the previous days but the strong wind still made pole fishing difficult, although the winning weight on the Concra Wood stretch was taken on pole.

Blue Skies Show Improved Conditions at Lough Muckno
Blue Skies Show Improved Conditions at Lough Muckno
Every Fish Counts, An Angler Plays a Nice Roach on Muckno
Every Fish Counts, An Angler Plays a Nice Roach on Muckno

Feeder was the main tactic owing to the strong blustery wind and some nice bags were weighed in at both venues. Catches again consisted mainly of quality roach, with some skimmers, perch and occasional hybrids and bream. The best weights to come from Concra Wood were 9.960kg, 9.680kg, 8.440kg, 7.760kg and 7.550kg. The best weights to come from Toome shore were 12.400kg, 12.140kg, 10.720kg, 9.730kg and 9.030kg.

Dick Caplice IADA Conducts the Weigh in at Concra Wood