The Irish International Fly Fair 2012 takes place on June 30th & July 1st at Killyleagh, Northern Ireland. Irelands first and up-to-the-minute event on the Fly-Fishing and Tying calendar.
We are delighted this year to again bring a very high standard of exhibitors to the fair.
Open from 10am to 4:30pm daily.
Rodgers Fishing Tackle⁄Bronte Hackle Some of the best quality feathers available to the fly dresser
Celtic Flycraft The most up to date fly tying supplies.
Moorbrook Lodge Hardy Greys
Wendy Cromie, Killyleagh
Forums and Talks:
A range of subjects will be covered in our discussion forums and talks, these will be held in the entrance hall of Killyleagh Castle.
Times will be posted on the festival notice board.
Professor Ken Whelan
Research Director, Atlantic Salmon Trust
Trout in Ireland – Telling fact from fiction.
Dr Robert Rosell
Fisheries Scientist, Agri-Food and Bio-Sciences Institute for Northern Ireland
Sea Trout and Strangford Lough.
Dr Richard Kennedy
Fisheries Scientist, Agri-Food and Bio-Sciences Institute for Northern Ireland
Salmon in Northern Ireland, catch and release.
Forums and talks may be subject to change as circumstances dictate. You are guaranteed a wealth of expertise and experience no matter what.
All proceeds to The Dibney River Conservation Trust.
Childrens Fly Tying, Fly Casting & Entomology Workshops:
Run by APGAI Ireland, AAPGAI & EJ “Ted” Malone.
These will be free to all children. While we will try our best to cater for everyone places are limited, to be certain of a place for your child please use the “Contact Us” page to e-mail us and book your childs place.
The workshops will be held in Killyleagh Bridge Centre on Saturday from 11am to 1:30pm with casting clinics all day Sunday in the castle grounds which are free to under 15’s.
Click the link to Contact us by e-mail
Prizes will be awarded each day for best caster and tyer as well as an ultimate angler award.
APGAI Ireland instructors confirmed so far:
Pat Mulholland
Arthur Greenwood
Pat Hughes
Gary Bell
Jim Hoy
Joe Stitt
This will be updated as more APGAI Ireland and AAPGAI Members offer their services.
See Web page :