Derek Evans

ANGLING NOTES: THE FIRST salmon of the year for 2012 from the River Liffey on New Year’s Day conjures up several interesting questions. For a river that has remained closed for salmon angling for the past five years surely this was a remarkable achievement and one that requires closer scrutiny by fisheries scientists.

The decision by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) to open the lower reaches at Islandbridge on New Year’s Day for survey reasons under Section 59 of the Fisheries Act was well received by Dublin and District Salmon Anglers (DDSA). However, it must also be heeded as an important step on the road to recovery.

Keeping in mind the following points, is it not a reasonable assertion to assume that the Liffey could open for catch and release, even on a part-season basis, for salmon angling as and from next year?

First, the validity of the fish counter at Islandbridge is questionable as a true measure of salmon returning to the river. My understanding is that many fish bypass the counter particularly at high tide and flood conditions, and instead opt to move upriver via the easily managed weir.

Read the full article:
The Irish Times, 16/01/12