Midland Lakes and River Inny rerport by Dermot Broughan
Lough Derravaragh
With all the rain over the last three weeks water levels on Derravaragh have recovered to winter levels. The Newbridge anglers had a pike competition on Sunday. They caught and returned 5 fish for the day the best been 23lbs in weight. They also hooked one trout which weight in at 5¼ lbs.
Ballinafid lake
Over the past week no anglers have been fishing the lake.
Royal Canal
With all the rain over the week anglers have been slow to fish the canal, and have received no reports of good angling over the week.
River Inny
PJ Mc Carton reported good river fishing on the Glore river up stream of the lake. He had fish on the fly up to 1lb in weight