Thanks to all those who had a go at guessing the weight and length of Paul’s pike. Here, again, is a photo of the fish in his arms. We can tell you that 73 people guessed at the length and weight of the pike. The majority of entrants put its weight at 12 lb or 13lb. Though there was quite a variation in the lengths, a consensus for something around 100cm (give or take a few centimetres) was apparent.
The actual weight of the pike was 18lb and its length was 104cm total length (fork length was just about 100.5cm). We are taking answers at 104 and 105cm as being “correct” as the lobes of the tail fin were a little uneven.
Appearances can be deceiving
61 entrants thought the fish weighed 15lb or less. 12 people did not even think it was a double! Only one entrant guessed 18lb, another 18.6 and another 17.4, none of these 3 were anywhere near the right length. The heaviest guess was 36lb (!) the lightest 7.6lb.
The shortest guess was 41.3cm and longest was 126cm. 7 thought it was between 60 and 70cm, 8 between 70 and 80cm, 11 between 80 and 90 cm. 19 thought it was between 90 and 100, 18 between 100 and 109. 7 thought it was more than 110.
7 guessed 104 or 105cm but of these people their weights were out by a fair bit; between 9 to16lb.
Overall this shows that it is very difficult to guess weight (basically impossible) from a photo (90% were out by 2lbs or more). While it is also very difficult to get the length (90% out by 4cm or more… ) an impressive 12% managed to get the right answer (104 or 105cm).
The winners
Here is the list of winners. The closest weights and the closest lengths all get a measuring mat.
Cathal Hughes |
16 lb (and 105 cm) |
Bobby Bryans |
17 lb |
Boyle Angling |
17.125 lb |
Darren Cassells |
17.375 lb |
Dean Aherne |
17.4 lb |
Ryan Craig |
18 lb |
Paul Dennis |
18.6 lb |
Liam Devlin |
20 lb |
Dylan Halpin |
103 cm |
Patrick Clear |
104 cm |
Marc Leddy |
104 cm |
Christopher Bennett |
104.14 cm |
Brian McLoughlin |
105 cm |
Denis Goulding |
105 cm |
Mark Lennon |
105 cm |
Mick Kempson |
107 cm |
Richard Lister |
107 cm |