Loch Gowna and Upper Erne Anglers will host a Junior Open Boat Pike Fishing competition on Saturday, April 21, on Derries Lake.
Fishing from 12-4pm. Life jackets will be provided.
Valuable fishing tackle prizes. Barbecue on lakeshore following competition.
If you need a boat please book in advance with Tony on 087-7536848 or Ciaran on 086-8579156.
Edward Shiels Memorial Open Boat Pike Fishing competition on Sunday, April 22.
Michael Flanagan
Pike and Trout angling guide.
Telephone: +353 (0)44 9348969 or +353 (0)87 2797270
Fax: +353 (0)44 9342781
Email: [email protected] Web: www.midlandangling.com