Angling this week was fair with a total of 17 fish landed, but among these there were some quality fish. It was again a few people who had the lions share of the fish with Alan Boyd and Brian Shaw accounting for 12 of the 17.

We had 2 last Sunday, both caught by Alan Boyd, the first off Finlough weighing in at 5lbs15.5ozs taken on a Sunrae Shadow and the second approx. 3lbs from the Bridge pool on a Cascade.

We landed 2 fish on Monday with Brian Shaw having one off Finlough, weighing 3lbs4.5ozs on a Zonker, and Anthony Clifton Brown taking a lovely fish from the Deadman’s of 6lbs10ozs on an Allie Shrimp.

We had very heavy rain on Tuesday with the river rising throughout the day, so we drew a blank but we managed to land 3 on Wednesday. Alan Boyd had 2 off Finlough in the morning , one of 4lbs13ozs and one of 2lbs11ozs, taken on a Collie Dog and an Allie respectively. Brian Shaw also managed to land a fish of approx. 5lbs at the Mouth of the Glenummera on a Green Peter.

Thursday we landed 7 fish. Brian Shaw had 2 off Finlough in the morning, one of 5lbs15ozs and one of 15lbs, both on a Zonker. (My God salmon have no taste anymore)

Alan Boyd had 2 more off the river, within 5 minutes of one another, weighing in at 3lbs15ozs and 3lbs5ozs, both on Allie’s.

Andrew Killeen also had 2 off the river, one off the Holly of 4lbs7ozs on a Collie Dog and one off the Grilse of 1lb13ozs also on a Collie Dog.

Grace McMillan had a 6lbs12ozs fish in the stream on Fin on a Collie Dog late on.

Friday morning Helen Westropp managed to get on the score sheet with a lovely fish of approx. 5lbs, from Finlough on a Connemara Black.

Alan Boyd finished off his week in fine style with 2 fish, one off the Whin pool of approx. 5lbs on an Allie shrimp and a cracker off the Rock of approx. 8lbs8ozs on a Willie Gunn.

Even though Alan Boyd and Brian Shaw had the lions share, it is worth mentioning the other anglers who tried hard during the week especially two who would normally be well up on the score sheet, George Westropp and especially Ken McMillan ( who watched as his fishing partner Alan had 8 for the week) In this regard it was an unusual week.

On a very positive note there were some excellent sea trout caught this week. As I said last year one swallow doesn’t make a summer and I reiterate this, but I would be much more hopeful this year. So, sea trout anglers, watch this blog and always feel free to phone me.

David McEvoy
Delphi Fishery
Delphi Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)95-42222 Fax +353-95-42296