Fishery manager Nigel Rush reports that last week was another successful week for the fishery. Torrential rain on Sunday night gave the water the required lift to allow for angling to return to normal service. The amount of fish visibly seen entering the system down at the estuary falls was impressive to say the least.
With the all river beats fishing well, 13 salmon were landed for the week. There were multiple catches for Geoffrey Fitzjohn, who secured 5 fish to 6lbs over two visits. Ken McMillan visiting from Delphi took a fine fish of 7lb, while Declan McCourt landed his first Rock Pool Grilse of 3.25lbs. Patrick Molloy and Ronnie Counihan both had fish of 6lbs and there were a couple of smaller grilse for Brian Davy and Edward Persse to mention but a few.
Sea trout angling has been hampered by temperamental winds, but judging by the impressive show of fish entering the river over the last flood, when conditions become more favourable, we should be in for a bonanza.
To book fishing at Kylemore Abbey, contact Nigel on 095 41178, or mobile 087 9580702, and for latest news check the website at