LOUGH MELVIN report by Lindsey Clarke– Monday 18th  to Sunday 24th June 2012.

The Lough fished well again for salmon this week with the good run of grilse continuing. There were at least 15 salmon reported with a couple of boats accounting for the fish for the day. The trout fishing was variable as were the winds which varied from flat calms to gale force winds. The hatch of mayfly was fair and there were good catches of sonaghan reported on occasions though overall, it seems the fishing was hard going at times.

Lough Melvin – Rossinver Fishery: For info see http://www.rossinverfishery.com/

For bookings/guides etc on the Rossinver Fishery contact Bill McNeary, Tel: 071 9854930 or Jim Hoye, Tel: 0831197428

For info/Guides/boat hire on Lough Melvin contact Sean Maguire’s Tackle Shop, Main Street, Garrison.