Colin Folan of Lough Inagh Lodge reports that after a bit of a struggle in August, he is glad to state that the lake is starting to fish well again. The most notable indication is that the larger sea trout have been active in recent days. The water level in the lake is perfect at the moment, and last week was the first time in three weeks that fresh grilse were seen in the system.
A total of three salmon and 93 sea trout were recorded for the week, for 40 rod days. Meike Zahnen, Germany, landed her first ever salmon, when she fished Lough Inagh on Friday past. The fish weighed 5lbs and was taken on a Green Peter. Michael Heery and William Hamilton also had a good day on Inagh, during which they boated 16 sea trout to 4lbs on a Green Dabbler.
The season’s total catch of sea trout to date is 943, and Colin is hoping that their estimate of 1200 sea trout for the season will be achieved in the remaining three weeks.