Another excellent week was had on Carrowmore Lake, with many anglers boating fine catches and returning salmon during excursions. The lakes total catch has more than doubled in the past week, with over 20 salmon caught in the past seven days. Visiting angler Dave Elliot, Enniskillen, enjoyed great sport, retaining one salmon of 12lbs and returning three others. Tony Gibbons had two for his day, including one of 8lbs which was retained, while John Cosgrove had one of 10lbs and returned a second. Mr P. Doherty boated a fine fish of 13.2lbs, Andy Latimer caught one of 12lbs while both Martin McCoy and Vincent Rigney had a salmon of 9lbs. Mr C. Long had one of 8.5lbs, while Ken Henry, Sligo, captured a fish of 8lbs.