Ghillie Vincent Appleby reports on the salmon and sea trout fishing in the past week on Lough Currane from his blog at

3/7/12 All quiet on the SW front and for good reason in the last 48 hours we have had two floods, and take the Mouth of the Commeragh it has bean dirty for last two days, so as you can imagine my Noble fly anglers are waiting for the water to clean up and for the lake to settle down, as all anglers are in all departments be it fly or troll. Wind SW light.

4/7/12 Straight to the fly department, Mr. Bill Rushby Fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught 3 Salmon on the early shift, weighing in at 7 lbs., 6 lbs., 4 lbs., and finished his morning off with a fine Sea Trout in the 3 lbs class, then it was the turn of the Prince of the UK, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of and I can tell you it was wasn’t long before he caught a 8 lbs Salmon and not satisfied with that The Prince cast his flies out again and caught another Salmon in the 6 lbs class and finished his day off with 3 Sea Trout up to 3 to the hired out boat department of Mr. Michael Rieger caught a fine 2.5 lbs Sea Trout. Wind SW light and overcast with heavy showers.

5/7/12 Straight to the hired out boat department of Waterville Boats and @ [email protected] Mr. Andrew Wishart of Co Down, caught a fine Grilse on the troll. In the Salmon and Sea Trout Fly department, my Noble Anglers had a good excuse there was little to no wind, in the opinion of the Fly Master Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of Now to the evening shift, Mr. Hughie Reid fishing out of [email protected] caught a 5 lbs Grilse and finished his evening off with a Sea Trout of 1.5lbs.

6/7/12 Lough Currane was flat calm for most of the morning, but once the wind did get up some boats did see a bit of action but not a lot, Mr. Malcolm Sergeant of the UK caught 1 Sea Trout on the troll with his ghillie Mr. Vincent Appleby and of and staying with the Sea Trout I saw one Angler catch a fine Sea trout on the drift and he sportingly put back My Noble Sea Trout, now to the lost department, Mr. Neil O’Shea of was telling that he and client lost a cracker of a Salmon 1n the 12 too 14 lbs class and lightning fresh. Wind N then veered SW this evening with light rain this evening.

7/7/12 Mr. James Bomford of the UK fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught a fine 5 lbs Grilse on the troll and the finished their day off with a Sea Trout which they sportingly put back.

A nice grilse for James Bomford and his ghillie Neil O'Shea

Now we go upstream to the upper Lakes, On Lough Derriana, Mr. Andrew Wishart of Co Down, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Bob Priestley caught a few nice Brown Trout and a few Juniors. Wind NE light. And overcast.

8/7/12 Mr. James Bomford of the UK caught a fine Grilse, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of now to the Sea Trout fly department, Mr. Liam Ellis of Waterville caught 2 Juniors, Mr. Quilligan of Cork caught a fine Sea Trout of 4 lbs on the drift and a guest fishing with his ghillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and of caught 1 Sea Trout on the troll, now we go up stream to the upper Lakes and Lough Namona, Mr. Martin Sutton fishing with his ghillie Mr. Tom O’Shea and @ [email protected] caught one junior and just for the record yesterday Mr. Kevin O’Sullivan of Waterville, also fishing on Lough Namona caught one or two Juniors and thy were lightning fresh. Wind N light and overcast with the odd light shower.

9/7/12 straight to the Sea Trout department, Mr. James Bomford of the UK fishing with his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught 2 juniors, there were a few boats out there manipulating their flies but failed miserably in their duties, wind N light too fresh and overcast, now in the past week there has bean some action on the Commeragh River, it was reported to me that Mike the Matador of the Bull Ring Tralee and Waterville, caught two find Grilse ranging from 4.5 lbs up to 6 lbs all caught on the Garden fly.

That is your ration for this week, from your Ghillie/Guide and the Waterville fishery. No Spin No Fly’s just facts.

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge

Caherdaniel West,

Co. Kerry.

Telephone:  +353 (0) 87 207 4882

E-mail: [email protected]
