Angling Guide and Ghillie Vincent Appleby reports on the salmon and sea trout fishing in the past week on Lough Currane from his blog at
17/7/12 Straight to the salmon fly department, Mr. Bill Rushby, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a fine grilse and finished his day off with a Sea Trout, after dropping Bill off after his good days fishing, his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy, took out the Prince and wasn’t long before the Prince had his fly rod bent double in a grilse and the rest is history because one swipe of the net my noble grilse was dispatched, now to the sea trout fly department Mr. Mark Doorman of Cork, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Bob Priestley, caught 6 sea trout of which the best was 3 lb. Now To all you river fishermen you can get a good deal on the famous Butler Pool, for 2 rods and 6 hours fishing, for more info go to No we head up stream to the Commeragh River where Mike The Matador of the Bull Ring Tralee caught a fine 3 lb. sea trout on the Garden Fly.
18/7/12 straight to the hired out boat department of Mr. Tom O’Shea and of [email protected] Rick and Krystal from Belgium caught 6 Juniors all on the fly, and just for the record they were all returned, now to the Salmon department and the hired out boat department of Mr Phil McCarty and friends caught a 8 lb. salmon on the fly, now we cut across the Valley too the River Inny renowned ghillie Mr. Mike O’Dwyer, caught a 8.5 lb. salmon and finished his day off with a 5 lb. salmon.
19/7/12 In the sea trout department there were 6 juniors caught and returned by Rick and Krystal from Belgium, fishing in a hired out boat from Mr. Tom O’Shea and of [email protected] Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and of [email protected] reported to me that Mr. Andrew Wishart of Co Down caught a 6.5 lb. salmon on the troll, and for the rest of we anglers you could say we failed miserably in our duties in all departments.
20/7/12 We start on the early shift, Mr. Andrew Wishart and Nephew Gavin of Co Down fishing on the famous Butler Pool and of caught two fine salmon ranging from 4.5 lb. up to 9 lb., now we head upstream too Lough Currane and in the Salmon department Mr. Hans and John Bouman of Holland, fishing with their ghillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and of [email protected] caught a fine grilse on the troll.
21/7/12 Mr. James Hinchey of the UK fishing out of and with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a 6 lb. grilse on the fly and his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy rang me too take a photo and I am sorry to say I could because I was in Tralee Hospital too see my Father, once again sorry for that, now to the sea trout department, Mr. Conor Henderson fishing with his ghillie Mr. Frank Donnelly and of caught one Junior, now we cut across the Lake too North side, Mr. Derick Hinks, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught 2 sea trout.
22/7/12 The king of the salmon department goes to Mr. Antony Buckley of Cork, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught a fine 7 lb. salmon, and in the sea trout department just a few juniors caught. Wind SW fresh too strong and overcast.
23/7/12 Straight too catch of the day and that goes too Mr. Mike Galligan of Limerick, caught 8 salmon and 2 sea trout on the fly of which 5 salmon and the sea trout were returned, and His ghillie and Master Fly Fishermen Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of was telling me that this was Mike’s first salmon on fly, so congratulations to Mike and welcome to the big time in the fly department, now to the sea trout department, Mr. John Smith caught 2 sea trout on the fly, also in good form was Mr. Ted Aherne who was fishing with his brother-in-law, Mr. Liam Ellis of Waterville, who caught two fine sea trout ranging from up to 2 lb. Wind SSW fresh too strong and overcast with rain for most of the day. That is your ration for this week, from your Ghillie/Guide and the Waterville fishery. No Spin No Fly’s just facts.
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge
Caherdaniel West,
Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail: [email protected]