Lindsey Clarke reports from the IFI Ballyshannon Office:
Owenea Fishery – Monday 11th to Sunday 17th June 2012.
There were fair water levels on the Owenea over the week although we received no decent floods with the gauge never reading above 0.26 metres. On Thursday and Sunday water levels were a little lower than desired at 0.16 metres each day but certainly much better the the very low water levels we have had! The gauge average for the week read 0.20 metres. There were a few anglers about this week and 21 visiting rods fished for the week, mainly on beats 8 & 9. To date I have 8 salmon recorded for the week. On Monday, Anne McMenamin recorded a 7lb salmon caught on a spinner from beat 9 and Tommy Corr accounted for a 5lb grilse caught on a spinner from beat 9. On Wednesday, Peter Grahame logged an 11lb salmon caught on a spinner from beta 8 On Thursday, Kevin O’Neill registered a 7lb salmon caught on a fly from beat 8. On Friday, P.J. Breslin accounted for a 4lb grilse caught from beat 9 and John Lennon recorded a 6lb grilse caught on a fly from beat 5. On Saturday, John recorded a further salmon of 8lb caught on a fly from beat 5 and Kevin O’Neill logged a further salmon weighing 11lb caught on a fly from beat 8. Rain is forecast for the latter half of the week and this will hopefully equate to good water conditions. Prospects look good for the coming week J
For info/bookings etc on the Owenea Fishery –
Tel: 074 9551141. (9am to 1pm April to May & 7am to 1pm June to Sept).