Home Salmon fishing reports With the rain comes the fish on Easter Sunday at Delphi

With the rain comes the fish on Easter Sunday at Delphi

Martin Cellier at Delphi
Martin Cellier at Delphi

The much needed rain finally arrived on Easter Sunday.  We also had a good number of heavy showers yesterday. Total for the two days was 48 mms or almost 2 inches.

We did have a fish just as the rain arrived on Sunday. Arnold Crook had a fine fish off Finlough of 11 lb. 3 ozs on a Sunrae Shadow.  It was indeed well earned as Arnold had fished hard in very difficult conditions.

I have often noticed in the past that when rain finally comes it takes a day or two for the fishing to pick up. However this was not the case as we had two yesterday even with the river a little coloured.

A lucky guest was the first to strike having spent over a week trying hard he finally got his reward yesterday after lunch in the stream on Finlough when he landed a sea liced fish of  7 lb.  4 ozs on a Black and Yellow tube.

Martin Cellier had a sea liced fish of  9 lb. 6 ozs off the Turn Pool later on. This was taken on a Willie Gunn and netted beautifully by his wife Barbara.

This morning Jonathan Murray from Antrim had a sea liced fish off the Rock Pool of approx. 8 lb. This was taken on a Willie Gunn.

The river is now running at 35 and even though it is cold we should get enough showers to keep it at a good level.

Hopefully we will see a few more silver bars in the next few days.

D McEvoy
Delphi Fishery
Delphi Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)95-42222 Fax +353 (0)95-42296
Web: www.delphi-salmon.com