Danny Meagher and Co. of the famous Wexford Angling Blog are back in action on the Wexford coast…

I am three sessions into my lure season in Wexford, having put away the lure outfit back in November. I was surprised at how stiff the limbs had become over the Winter break while out clambering over weed covered rocks and ledges. During the first two sessions, various marks were scouted but no signs of  fish activity, the water was still quite cold but gin clear.

Barry get amongst the waves to work his lure
Barry get amongst the waves to work his lure

The third session kicked off with an early rise but fishing did not take place until several hours later due to a lengthy discussion between Crevan, Pat and myself over freshening weather conditions…

This sea trout fell for a Storm Sand Eel intended for a bass
This sea trout fell for a Storm Sand Eel intended for a bass

I set up a Storm Sand Eel on a 10.5g jig head & worked it with the tide, the end result was a nice Sea Trout a few casts later which fought well for its size. When I first saw the flash of colour beneath the surface I thought it was the first Bass of 2012!

Danny's first bass of 2012
Danny's first bass of 2012

On location and first cast I felt two sharp tugs, seconds after the SP hit the water, I said noting and gently tightened the bow in the line and connected with the fish. I didn’t hang about getting the  fishes head up, and I was greeted with a great flash of silver! A Minute later and I had landed my first Bass of 2012 , 4lb of perfect Spring Silver. Happy Days.

While only one Bass was landed between the 3 of us, it will give us great incentive to push on and explore other marks as the warmer weather continues to heat things up.

Here’s to a successful and pleasant season
Danny Meagher
Wexford Angling Blog
Web: dannymeagher.wordpress.com