Bill Ryan gives us this excellent report from West Clare:

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 Anthony and I continue our experiments with Light Rock Fishing in West Clare. We are discovering new marks suitable to this very sporting method of Sea Angling. From The Bridges of Ross right up to Doonbeg there are gullies waiting to be explored!

The last standing Sea Arch (or bridge) at The Bridges of Ross
The last standing Sea Arch (or bridge) at The Bridges of Ross

We have had success with Ballan Wrasse recently at The Bridges of Ross, Farrihy near Kilkee and Puleen near Doonbeg. It rained heavily in Farrihy but that did not put us or the fish off! In the photograph of Anthony’s Wrasse you will notice a blur in the top left corner! This is a wrasse scale which somehow got onto the lens of the camera! This is the best Wrasse to date on Soft Plastic weighing 3 lbs. 13 oz.

Anthony's wrasse, great fish!
Anthony's wrasse, great fish!

The best Soft Plastic Lure would appear to be a Yoshikawa Superworm in a green colour. Senko in watermelon also works well.

This mark can only be fished 3 hrs before Low and 3 hrs up in good conditions as it gets cut off by the tide!
This mark can only be fished 3 hrs before Low and 3 hrs up in good conditions as it gets cut off by the tide!
Anthony chills out and ponders
Anthony chills out and ponders

For tips and advice and to follow our progress find us on Facebook at West Clare LRF where you can also see our collection of photographs and videos from our Fishing Sessions.