Up to 80 people joined with Inland Fisheries Ireland, the Irish Angling Development Alliance and Carrickmacross Coarse Angling Club at their Fisheries Awareness Week event at the Brothers Lake, Dundalk Road, Carrickmacross on Saturday 12th May. The event took place from 10am to 5pm and participants learned how to fish for pike, coarse fish and how to fly fish with qualified angling coaches. A tented area staffed by anglers and coaches provided visitors with expert information on tackle and tactics. There was also lots of literature and contact information available and a fish tank display.


APGAI Members Demonstrating Fly Tying at the Brothers Lake Event
APGAI Members Demonstrating Fly Tying at the Brothers Lake Event

Following a chat in the tented area, visitors were invited to have a go at a number of stands on the lake. All of the children and many adults took the chance to have a go and many caught their first fish. One young boy had 15 roach and it was his first time fishing. A draw was also held for some great tackle and tuition and the prizes will be handed over at a tuition day which is being held in two weeks time. The event was also supported by members of the Association of Professional Game Angling Instructors (APGAI) Ireland who provided casting instruction and fly tying demonstrations.

Children Enjoying Themselves After Catching A Fish at the Brothers Lake Event in Carrickmacross
Children Enjoying Themselves After Catching A Fish at the Brothers Lake Event in Carrickmacross


The event was so successful that a follow up coaching session is being organised next Saturday at the Brothers lake from 11am until 2pm. The Irish Angling Alliance and Carrickmacross Coarse Angling Club will be supporting this initiative. Dick Caplice from IADA said that “because of the demand from the youngsters and parents we have to hold this event, this will ensure that they will continue to pursue the sport of angling now that they have been introduced to it. A summer camp being organised and run in July by angling coach Geoff Quinn has also been filled.

Learning by Doing
A Focused Group of Young Anglers Fish with Dick Caplice IADA

Family Fun
A Big Thanks to This Family who Travelled all the way from Santry for the Event

Mums Can Catch Fish Too!!
Mums Can Catch Fish Too!!

Fishing is Chlids Play
This Young Anglers Had 5 Fish in 5 Minutes. Fishing is Child's Play

This Three Year Old Had No Problems Getting to Grips with Fishing
A Future Champion? This Three Year Old Had No Problems Getting to Grips with Fishing

These Young Lads are Paying Close Attention to Dick Caplice's Advice
These Young Lads are Paying Close Attention to Dick Caplice's Advice

The APGAI, IADA and Carrickmacross Coarse Anglers Volunteers who Made the Brothers Lake FAW Event a Great Success
The APGAI, IADA and Carrickmacross Coarse Anglers Volunteers who Made the Brothers Lake FAW Event a Great Success

This Young Fly Angler Gets Some Advice from Tom Cogan
This Young Fly Angler Gets Some Advice from Tom Cogan