Midland Lakes and River Inny Report by Dermot Broughan
We are now into the 7th week of very wet weather. All the fresh water slowed angling on all lakes.
Lough Ennell:
Things have finally started to hot up on Ennell with good fish showing across the lake. Toss Grimes took a fish on the troll over 4lbs. On a Peter on a sinking line Noel Gilholley took a fish on the 4lb mark, and missed a number of fish. Kenny Kiernan also had a good week on the lake, with a fish on the fly to 5¼lbs on Thursday night, and a fish 4lbs on Sunday night.
Lough Glore:
Angling on Glore has been slow this week.
Lough Owel:
Once again angling has been slow on the lake. Emmet Stagg TD was back on the lake during the week with 4 fish the best 2½lbs. Ken Mc Carty Dublin also had a good week with 8 fish the best 2½lbs. Seven were retuned. The Loran Bros Dublin had 10 fish on the fly, and all were returned. Peter Mc Glynn and Liam Cox, Kildare landed 3 fish which were all returned.
Lough Derravaragh:
There are no reports of fish been caught on Derravaragh this week.
Ballinafid Lake:
Foreign anglers on the lake during the week reported very slow returns with small perch and hybrids showing.
Royal Canal:
Angling has been very slow again this week on the canal.
River Inny:
There were a number of patrols of the Inny over the week and no anglers were seen fishing the river. Water levels remain very high.