Fishing activity on Lough Corrib has slowed down a lot over the last week following the heatwave of last week, which signalled the end of the big mayfly hatches. Some mayfly are still hatching off in sporadic hatches, and fish are coming up to these when they occur. Most anglers are concentrating on evening fishing, and sticking to their local bays, or short drifts over the shallows.

Tommy Greham and boatman Jimmy Acton had a very productive evening dapping in the Greenfields bay area, with Tommy boating 3 fish of 9lbs, the best being 5lbs. Frank Reilly spent 2 evenings flyfishing, landing 4 fish for his efforts, ranging from 1.5lbs to 3.5lbs.  Darragh Lynch from Headford had 4 fish for one evening’s fishing, averaging 1.5lbs, all released.

The picture is much the same on the western shore of the lake, with only a handful of anglers taking the opportunity to enjoy the long evenings on the lake.  Those who take up the chance are having moderate success with one to two fish being the average catch.