A competition is being organised to help raise funds for well known angler Peter Driver who will be representing Ireland at the World Fly Fishing Finals in Slovenia this year.

This event is being held at the Curragh Springs Fishery which lies hidden away among the rolling plains of the Curragh in Co. Kildare; just one mile from the famous Curragh Racecourse. It is a natural spring fed lake of about 5 acres with gin clear water. This hidden jewel is a must for serious anglers.

A Nice Curragh Springs Rainbow
A Nice Curragh Springs Rainbow


Full competition rules will be supplied on the day.  Each angler is allowed have two rods assembled but only one is to be fished at any time. Barbless hooks only and egg flies are not allowed. Indicators must be on a hook. A maximum of three flies on the cast. Each fish will be measured from the nose to the tip of the tail. All fish must be recorded by the controller. Anglers will change pegs after ever hour and start fishing only when the horn starts. An open draw for pegs will take place on the morning of the competition. No angler is allowed to enter the water.

If you are up to a rewarding challenging day out fishing for top class full finned fighting fit Rainbow, then Curragh Springs is the place to go. Just 30 mins From Dublin and easily accessed from all over Ireland on the M7 and M9 motorways just 5 mins from the main road.

Thank you for your support of the event and look forward to seeing you there on the day.

The competition will be from 10 am to 4pm, entry fee is 30 euro. Great prizes and refreshment afterwards

To book your place please contact
Peter on 087-9787040 or [email protected], limited places available so confirm early.

This event is sponsored by irishflytying.com