Midland Lakes and River Inny by Dermot Broughan

At the start of the week weather was very warm and sunny with temperatures in the mid 20’s.  By mid week temperatures had dropped back to mid teens.  However angling on all waters was very slow during the week.

Lough Ennell:

The may fly has finished on the lake.  Six Polish anglers fishing out of Liliput had nice pike fishing towards the end of the week. Dimitriy Slavashevskiy had a pike 9lb which was the best of the group.  Paul Hope had a nice trout  to 4lbs on the buzzer late in the evening and Kenny Kiernan also had some nice fish late into the evening.

Lough Owel:

Les O’Rourke with two nice Owel trout on Tuesday evening.  Both fish were 2lbs and one was a wild fish.

Lukisz Blaszkaski and Grzegoz Zabinski from Kinnegad Co Westmeath with two 1½ trout taken from Owel Tuesday night.

Of the 131 fish caught during the week on Owel 70 trout were returned to the lake.  The best bag for the week was Michael Tyvoid who landed 9 fish Wednesday evening and returned 7.  John Plunkett Jnr also had nice fishing during the week on the Buzzer with 2 fish over 2lbs returned to the lake on Thursday evening.

Lough Derravaragh:

Anglers fishing Derravaragh have reported seeing no trout during the week and very little angling on the lake as a result.

River Inny:

Joe Keena fishing the river up stream of Newcastle had some nice trout fishing during the week.  The best fish landed was 2lb and all fish were returned to the water.