Fishery manager Nigel Rush reported that there were 12 fish landed for the final week of the season, giving a final tally of 138 for the season, 5 short of last year’s 143. Heavy overnight rain on the Saturday night prior to the final day on Sunday put the river out of condition and led us to cancel regular anglers for the final days sport. We might well have equalled last year had we decent and favourable conditions for the final day but safety comes first.
Of the 12 fish Seamus O’Neil landed 3 for his half day, John Dardiff his first Kylemore grilse of 5lbs from Tullywee Bridge, Pat Burns the heaviest at 7lbs from Waterdog on the Lower River, and the final fish of the year fell to Seamus O’Neil, a fresh run 5lbs fish from Lavelles Pool.