Lough Sheelin report by Brenda Montgomery from July 22nd to July 29th
All the romance of trout fishing exists in the mind of the angler and is in no way shared by the fish.

~Harold F. Blaisdell, The Philosophical Fisherman, 1969



Tyrone v. Meath!

Above – Meath man Billy Carolan and Omagh angler with his 4½ lb trout with his trout of similar weight.


Sheelin fished well this week. Wednesday was the best day with the lake ‘bubbling’ with fish. The weather has a big influence on the rise of fish and when temperatures increased coupled with a slight breeze as was the case on Wednesday, Sheelin came into its own and fished exceptionally well reminding its fishermen of the bountiful mayfly days of months gone by.
There were colossal hatches of sedges as well as a reassuring number of green peters and murrough, again it seems warm temperatures produce big hatches and when the temperatures drop the hatches become small or disappear completely.
The evening was the best fishing time, usually from 5pm onwards, after Wednesday’s successes most anglers were gearing up for another evening of sport on Thursday but mother nature interfered by giving us a moon that night. The moon casts a blue light across the water and unless by some miraculous twisting you can block the moon or can cast a mile out, you will be visible to trout and spooked they will not surface for the fly.
Most anglers were dry fly fishing and with dry you must ‘match the hatch’ so most of the trout were caught on small dry sedges, green peters, murroughs and black gnats. Trout are after food so wherever there is a slick of insects on the surface that’s where the trout will rise.
During the week there were times when the lakes surface was like a mirror which although very beautiful was no good for fishing as again the trout can see the angler unless as they say in Cavan you have ‘a fierce long cast’. Changing wind directions and drops in temperatures also created the usual challenges towards the end of the week.
It is interesting and encouraging to hear reports of huge numbers of small 4-5” trout being sighted particularly around the western shore and also around Kilnahard while the heavier trout appear to prefer the middle of the lake.
The favourite flies this week were sedges, the Welshman’s button, black pennell, green peter, connemara black, murrough, black gnat, sparkle-pupa and simulium larvae.





Simulium larvae
Simulium larvae


The Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association will be hosting The McDonald Cup on Sunday August 12th from 12 noon to 6pm starting from Kilnahard Pier, entry fee is €20. In line with this club’s strong conservation policy this annual competition will be changed this year to become a Catch & Release Competition – each boat will be supplied with a measure board and it is the angler who catches the longest fish who will win this coveted cup. As a gesture of thanks to all members and non members who support this club and all its past and ongoing development and conservation work for this lake and its catchment all other prizes with be presented on the basis of a draw. This competition will be followed by a Bar -B -Q on Kilnahard pier. For further details please contact Eamon Ross @ 087 9436655 or Thomas Lynch @ 087 9132033.
A catch and release policy is actively encouraged on this lake

Please remember anglers that the size limit on this lake is 35.5 cm (14 inches) – we need our small fish alive…….

For those of you who want a small but very worthwhile and guaranteed enjoyable break from fishing – Kieran Fitzsimons, Finea is running the annual duck race at Finea next Sunday August 5th at 1pm in aid of the local church funds.
The way this works is that you buy your duck (or ducks) at €5 from Kieran and its first duck over the weir that wins the prize!
All this is followed by a Bar B Q and music and of course you can mix some fishing in and around this fun event.

The Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association have recently announced that their end of season river enchancement fly fishing competition will be held at Lough Sheelin on Saturday October 6th. Details of this main Sheelin fishing event will come later.
The heaviest fish recorded for the week was a 4½ lb trout caught on a new ‘tester’ fly created by its capturer Michael Kelly, Dublin on Thursday July 26th
Total catches recorded for the week: 68

Young Peter Boyle from Monaghan anticipating a big catch on Sheelin!
Young Peter Boyle from Monaghan anticipating a big catch on Sheelin!

Selection of Catches:
Darrragh Murtagh, Baileboro – 1 @ 2½ lbs dry fly fishing using a small sedge.
Paddy Delaney, Baileboro – 1 @ 3½ lbs using a green peter on Wednesday July 25th.
Paddy Lyons, Cavan – 3 trout fishing around Orangefield, from 5pm onwards, averaged 1½ lbs on Wednesday using a small dry sedge and green peter.
Peter McArdle, Dundalk – 1 @ 1½ lbs using a sedge on Saturday July 28th.
Michael Kelly, Dublin – Monday July 23rd 3 trout averaging 1½ – 2lbs dry fly fishing a small sedge. Tuesday July 24th 7 fish, 4 averaging 1- 1½ lbs, 3 at 2½, 3 and 4lbs. Wednesday July 25th 9 trout, 6 averaging 1½ – 2lbs, 3 averaging 2-3lbs, all got on the LF fly, Thursday July 26th 4 trout at 1½, 2½, 3½ and 4½ lbs, fish caught using Michael’s tester fly and his LF fly. Michael can be contacted at 087 2608068 for those interested in fishing Lough Sheelin.