Michael Flanagan, Angling Guide and Reporter, tells us that last Sunday Derravaragh Anglers fished the Weir Cup and family day out for pike. It had being cancelled in previous weeks, due to high winds, but went ahead last Sunday. It turned about to be another rough day, but we sheltered out from Donore Shore and a few anglers were lucky enough to Hook- Up with some pike. Not a great start to the summer holidays for our young anglers, and we had quite a lot of rain early in the morning, but thankfully as the 4pm finish closed in the rain stopped.

In the senior section Longford Piker Joe McDermott rattled the scales with the only double figure pike of the day weighing an impressive 16lbs 14oz, another top pike angler Peter Farbula finished 2nd with 5lbs 10oz.
In the Junior section it was Joe McDermott’s nephew Jason who was crowned Top Rod with a pike of 7lbs 6oz, 2nd Adam Flanagan 3lbs 4oz, 3rd Keith Flanagan 2lbs 9oz.
Presentation took place Lough Derravaragh Holiday Park where all competitors were treated to fantastic Burger & Chips, plus super Hot Dogs. Well done to Derravaragh Angling Club officers for giving the young Anglers a great evening.
Next competition penciled in is on Sunday July 21st, and members will be contacted by text.
Join the club
Membership is open at 25 Euro for senior Anglers, and if interested give me a bell and I will forward contact details. Lough Derravaragh Holiday Park is in full swing, and the restaurant is open evening time, and all day Friday, Saturday Sunday. More on this 044-93-71500.
Michael Flanagan
Midland Angling
If you are planning a fishing trip across the greater Westmeath waterways, and need some up to date reports, and information on Guiding services/Accommodation providers etc. Check out my Fish & Stay section on www.midlandangling.com .
I can be also contacted on 087-2797270.Or e- mail [email protected].
On Face/book we keep the fishing on line as it happens. www.facebook.com/midlandangling