As they say in Wexford ‘A hardy boyo’. That’s what Guide Gerard Doran of South East Angling Services is.  A wooley hat and some good socks, then off you go.  Ger tells us:

This week saw the arrival of cold offshore winds that can make the fishing difficult but not impossible. Lugworms were dug and fresh peeler crab was collected in preparation for a few midweek bait fishing trips.


On Wednesday evening an east coast beach was chosen along with long rods capable of casting a few ounces, rung for fixed spool reels pushed 3 hook flappers made up with mostly Sakuma components into the light rolling surf. Two rods were set up providing action from the off with 6 flounders on the beach within minutes. Flounders were landed in singles and doubles for the rest of the evening to keep us entertained.

Gerard Doran - Flounder Gerard Doran - Poor cod and whiting

Gerard Doran - ShadowThe following evening from a local pier another good fishing session was had with lots of fish landed on the same baits and equipment as the night previous. Flounders, Whiting, Poor cod, Codling and eels were all feeding well to ensure a busy night unhooking.

Won’t be long now before the winter species arrive in larger numbers and size. The bait freezers are overflowing so here’s hoping for a good winter ahead.

To make a booking……

Gerard Doran,Gerard Doran - Moonlight

South East Angling Services


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 086-3769727