Boat Angling Ireland’s cognito headed out with 3 other members resulting in 17 Species : Cod, Red Gurnard, Grey Gurnard, Ling, Pollock, Coalies, Mackeral, Cuckoo Wrasse, Ballan Wrasse, Conger, Dogfish, Haddock, Pouting, Poor Cod, Dab, Launce, Hake.  He tells us:

A great day out on Sunday 22nd. We headed out at 09.30. I rang one of the charter skippers on Saturday to check if the Mackeral were still around as I heard that they has started to disappear (not the case). In conversation he mentioned that he had got a Hake recently. I last got Hake in 2009, so I decided I give that mark a try 1st. There was a lovely drift and we were into good fish straight off with some good Red Gurnard’s (1 Specimen) and a few nice Cod also making an appearance. We picked up Grey Gurnard, Haddock to 4.5 lbs and a few small Ling also. The Whiting were scarce. Then I landed a nice Hake / Whiting double – Happy Days, the Hake around 2 lbs. Not to be out done Ger landed a Hake shortly after, slightly better that the one I had. We remained on this drift for a while, before we went to anchor on the reef for the usual species.

It was great to see the so many boats out for the Cork Small Boats – I couldn’t help but wonder what one of them would have given for a Hake.

Mr Cognito himself with a hake
Mr Cognito himself with a hake

Report courtesy of