Eamonn Hayes, skipper of the Autumn Dream which sails daily from Kilmore Quay in Wexford reports on the fishing in his area:
27/08/2013 Well fishing has being affected by the unusually strong tides for the month of August, don’t know why but they were never eased up at all , but good news they are easing up now at last. The past week saw Cod to over 8 lb , Pollack to double figures, Bass to 7 lb, Tope to 58 lb, other species landed on Autumn Dream included Tub Grey and Red Gurnard, John Dory, Plaice, Ballan, Cuckoo, Goldshinny and Rockcook Wrasse. Ling and Rockling Around 21 species during the past week, and the Mackerel are so plentiful in places you’d find it hard to get down through them also they are following the fry unto the beach in Ballyteigue bay (Furlongs road) and indeed it wont be long till they are on the beach in Rosyonstown. Happy days for shore anglers.
The weather is looking good till after the weekend . So I’m looking forward to the next week or so fine weather and easy tides good luck to all fishing the master angler over the coming weekend.
Thanks to all who sailed on Autumn Dream and those yet to sail in 2013.
Eamonn Hayes
Autumn Dream Charter Boat
Web: www.kilmoreangling.com
Phone: + 353 53 91 29723
Moblie: + 353 87 2135308
Email: [email protected]