John Mc Laughlin, Lough Swilly reports:

Ryan Neeson landed the first Salmon of the season from the Lackagh last Sunday afternoon.

The fresh sea- liced fish, estimated at 6 – 7lbs fell to a holo silver casade tube in the Grilse Pool.

The water height on the guage was running at 9 and 2 other fresh fish were also reported hooked and lost last week with more fish seen running through to Glen Lough.

Ryan Neeson with the first Salmon of the season
Ryan Neeson with the first Salmon of the season

The temperatures are trying hard to rise and with any kind of decent conditons, more fish cant be expected off the river and indeed Glen Lough !

Under the IFI legislation, the entire Lackagh system is strictly catch & release for salmon angling.

…and back you go…

Lough Swilly - Ryan Neeson with the first Salmon of the season from the LackaghLough Swilly - Ryan Neeson releases the first Salmon of the season from the Lackagh

The only allowed methods are spinning or fly fishing with single barbless hooks and stictly no bait fishing.

The Creeslough & District Angling club in conjunction with the IFI have carried out some fantastic habitat enhancement over the last 2 seasons.The Lackagh river itself is arguably the most accessable in the whole country with the recently completed walkways and stiles making for a safer and more enjoyable angling experience.

Permits for the Lackagh fishery are available from Sweeney’s filling station, Termon.

The Lough Swilly Angling Centre also offers a comprehensive guiding service for the Lackagh and Glen Lough.

Please contact John on 0872929888 or [email protected] for more details

John Mc Laughlin

Lough Swilly Angling Centre/ Donegal Angling

Phone : 087 292988 or Email: [email protected]

and Facebook/Lough Swilly