Water levels are just about perfect in the River Boyne, so its no surprise that a few fresh fish have been reported caught and released recently in the Navan area. Fish have been observed running through and there have been unofficial reports of an odd fish being caught. This week however comes the first confirmation that fresh fish have been caught by anglers in the Navan area and they are all good sizes as well. A nice thirteen pounder was the smallest of the fish and was followed by two 15lb fish and the best salmon was a beautiful 17lb fresh run fish which was taken on the fly by Pat O’Toole from Trim. The water is dropping and clearing and according to local anglers is in perfect condition fro salmon fishing.
Details on fishing in the Navan area can be obtained from the Navan Anglers Association website at http://navananglers.com/ and from the three tackle dealers Clarkes Sports Den, East Coast Angling and Anglers World.
The River Boyne is designated as a catch and release River for Salmon fishing. Details of the regulations can be found at www.fishinginireland.info