“Out of order” is the catchphrase at the moment, as prolonged high water has made fishing impossible at Galway. With 16 sluice gates open on the weir, and Lough Corrib dropping only very slowly upstream, this is one of the wettest starts to the season for many years, and no one has even wet a line yet on the fishery.
Unless we get a long dry spell I would say high water will prevail for weeks to come yet, and fishing prospects are non-existent currently.
Clare River
The Clare River upstream is dropping nicely and while some anglers were out over the bank holiday weekend, I have no reports of any fresh fish yet. Anglers are reminded that they are likely to encounter kelts (spent fish) at this time of year, and these fish should be handled as little as possible, and returned immediately to the water. Catches of Kelts should be recorded in your logbook.
Cong River
The Cong River is also open for fishing now, and after last year’s excellent grilse run here, hopes are high for a good spring run this year.