There has been a decent amount of rainfall in Connemara since the weekend, and several fisheries have experienced a welcome rise in water levels. I am waiting on reports to come in from most fisheries, but I would expect to hear of good fishing this week, which will be included in next week’s report.
Brid O’Malley was in touch from Ballynahinch with an update on fishing over the last 10 days or so Rain last week brought a welcome rise in water levels, which has seen a big improvement in the fishing, with good numbers of fresh grilse in the river.
Kevin Thompson caught his first salmon on the fly, a nice 5.5lbs fresh fish. Micheal Von Murick caught another 5.5lbs fish on an old traditional fly which has been brought back and is known as the Lemon and Grey. Niall Greene from Salmon Watch Ireland caught 2 salmon, the biggest of which was 8lbs, which he released, and Mike Copas, visiting from the UK, landed another 5.5lbs fresh fish.
Further rain since the weekend kept good levels of water in the river. On Monday evening Des Lally landed 2 fish, one of which was a lovely fresh fish of 9lbs. On Tuesday Kevin Keaney caught another on a Green Highlander. Also on Tuesday Pierre Perret landed 2 fish, one of them beautifully fresh. More rain is promised as the week progresses, which will improve conditions further on the Owenmore River.
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