Ghille Vincent Appleby reports from his blog at Waterville Fishery :
02/04/14 Straight to the fly department, UK Angler Mr. Mark Knowles, caught a fine 9 lbs. Salmon, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of and on a personal note on their catch of the day, I would like to apologise for not taking the photo sadly I was on me bike, and yes I failed miserably in my Duties, and staying with the photo Mark did get a photo of his fish and with any luck I will have it up tomorrow? Wind SE fresh with reasonable cloud cover and just for the record it made a flood this morning. Now to the duck fly department, Local Gillie Mike O’Dwyer, reports that there is a record amount of Duck fly hatching on all Loughs with some nice Brown Trout rising.
03/04/14 Lough Currane was on the quiet side, until renowned all-round angler, Mr. Jim Sayers of Waterville, went manipulating with his lures, and it wasn’t long before his trolling rod was doubled into a lightening fresh 9 ½ lbs. Salmon, Jim was telling me, he had one almighty fight with his Noble Salmon and the rest is history, as the beer flowed down at the back of the Lobster in celebration. Now to yesterdays photo of Mr. Mark Knowles of the UK, photo taken by fellow Angler Mr. Ken Towner of Waterville and the UK. Wind SSE light with reasonable cloud cover.

04/04/14 All the head lines go to German angler Mr. Axel ZurBrugge, who caught a cracker of a Salmon on the troll in the 11 lbs. class, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Neil O’Shea of and fishing out of and for the rest of my Noble anglers they looked on as Axel admired his fine fish. Wind SE fresh to strong and overcast with rain in the late afternoon.

05/04/14 There was good sport in all game fishing departments, so lets start in the specimen Sea Trout department, Mr. Peter Thornton of the USA caught a fine Sea Trout in the 11 lbs class on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Michael O’Sullivan of Waterville Boats and at [email protected] Now staying with the trolling, we cut across to the south side and Edery Bay, and the Salmon and the Brown Trout department, Mr. David Homes, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of caught a cracker of a Salmon of 10 ½ lbs and finished their day of with a great Brown Trout in the 4 lbs class. Wind S in the morning then veered SW in the afternoon fresh to strong and overcast with heavy rain at times.

06/04/14 Again Lough Currane kept its international reputation on the specimen Sea Trout front and all the headlines in that department go to long time regular angler Mr. Tim Van Der Laan of Holland, who caught a cracker of a Sea Trout of 11 ½ lbs. on the troll on the South Side of Church Island, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton. Now to my Noble Salmon department, first in the striking zone was another Dutch Angler and Tim’s good friend, was Mr. Ger Jager of Amsterdam, Holland, who caught a fine Salmon on the troll in the 10 lbs class, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Terence Wharton Jnr. Now we cut across the lake to the North side, staying in the trolling department, Mr. Martin Coveney caught a fine 6lbs Salmon on the troll, while fishing with his Gillie Mr. Tom O’Shea of Now on a personal note I would like to thank and all you anglers for sending in your photos of today’s catches, so remember all you anglers keep catching and clicking because its you the anglers that makes this site what it is and that is a fact.

07/04/14 There were two Salmon caught, first to the fly department, there was a fine 6 lbs Salmon caught by Mr. Ken Towner of Waterville and the UK, fishing with his Gillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan of Now to the trolling department, Local gillie, Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy of caught a fine 10 lbs Salmon. Wind NNW fresh with heavy showers at times and talking of showers it made a good flood last night.

08/04/14 My Noble Anglers failed miserably in their duties in all departments, so the least said the soonest mended. Wind WSW light and overcast. To all you Anglers who want booze on the slate, this is how its done in Waterville and theres no leaks in this photo.
That is your ration for the week on Lough Currane, from your Gillie and the Waterville Fishery, no spin no fly’s just facts.
Vincent Appleby
Make a Booking
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0)66 9475248
E-mail: [email protected]