There was a great turn out for the 2nd of Absolute Fishing‘s Introduction to lure fishing course last Saturday.  The team went to a local lake to demonstrate lures and explain how to fish a range of hard and soft lures.  Absolute fishing are going to run a third Getting Started Lure Fishing course this Saturday March 1st.
It is a two part course, one day classroom style and one day on the water working lures. The feedback has been great and we hope that people are getting something out of the course. It is Free of charge and starts this Saturday at 10am in Absolute Fishing.
If you would like to attend please contact us on 051 393559 to book in as spaces are limited.

Absolute Fishing - Lure angling course (2)Absolute Fishing - Lure angling course

Absolute Fishing
Co. Waterford.
Phone: 051-393559
E-mail: [email protected]