On Sunday 30 August 26 four man teams fished the All Ireland Inter Club Team Challenge. Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs (IFPAC) has the full report below…

We fished a 10 mile stretch of the Erne around Belturbet. Both banks were fished so around 20 miles of bank was on. The venue was divided into 4 sections. Each bank upstream and downstream from the bridge in the town. Each 4 member team had to divide up so that one team member was fishing each of the 4 sections. Anglers could wander around but their catch had to be witnessed by a member of another club.

INTER CLUB CHAMPS Sean Markey, Jody Kiernan, Ronan Murray and Alan Heasley

The river was up a couple of feet from normal level due to all the recent rain. Fishing would probably have been better without the extra water but still 238 pike to 11 lbs 14 ozs were caught and released.

Jimmy Conway with a nice 9 pounder
Jimmy Conway with a nice 9 pounder


It was rather disappointing that several landowners blocked access to competitors with one passing some racist comments to one of our anglers.

Results were calculated in the Yukon Bar on the main Street, where competitors enjoyed large quantities of sandwiches, cocktail sausages and chips. When the final tot was tallied it was a photo finish between the Ardee A team and the Phoenix A team.

  • 1st Ardee A 23 pike 48-10
    Jody Kiernan, Sean Markey, Alan Heasley and Ronan Murray.
  • 2nd Phoenix A 14 pike 45-15
    Pat Gorman, Jason Gorman, Ibar Condron and Sean Condron
  • 3rd Team Slovakia 15 pike 38-02
    Andrej Duran, Marek Ceman, Bachlak Jaroslav and Robert Sloboda.

Andrej Duran had the best individual bag.

Top 3 pike

  • 1st Paul Sheridan 11lb 14oz
  • 2nd Steve Martin 11lb 07oz
  • 3rd Martin Carroll 10lb 04oz

Go fishing…

Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs

The Irish Federation of Pike Angling Clubs (IFPAC) is a body representing pike anglers in Ireland, North and South.The IFPAC was founded on 17th January 1988 at a meeting held at the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan. The membership for that year stood at fifteen clubs representing six hundred anglers, today membership of IFPAC is approaching 100 affiliated clubs representing in excess of seven thousand anglers from all walks of life.
