Frank Maunsell from the Owenmore Fishery reports that they had an early run of sea trout last week but the water level was too high over the weekend…
12 April: We have a good flood in the river at the moment. It will be Monday before it is fishable. We have had a run of Seatrout over the last two weeks but the real run of Seatrout normally starts in the last two weeks of April. Some of the fish in this run can be heavier than what you would get later on in the Season.
Last Years early run was one of the best we have had in the past twenty years so lets hope this continues for 2015.
Frank Maunsell
Owenmore Fishery
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There are approximately five miles of fly fishing along the main part of the Owenmore River in Kerry, with 33 named pools and an additional 180 acres of lake fishing in this Kerry beauty spot. The salmon, grilse and sea trout begin to run in April. The runs continue through spring and summer into early October.
Telephone: 066 7139408 Mobile: 087 9476309
Email: [email protected]