Report for weekending 06 September:

There were good water levels on the Drowes this week again. The gauge at the Four Masters Bridge read 0.65m at the start of the week. The river fell over the week and by Sunday the gauge read 0.56m. The river was fairly quiet which is usual given the time of the season but for those that did venture out, the fishing was good. One visiting group of 6 French rods recorded 26 salmon caught for the week! These were mostly caught on small Rapala lures with the rest caught on worm.

It was much the same story on Lough Melvin this week. There was little angling effort for salmon and not much to report in the way of salmon catches.

Make a booking

For info/bookings etc on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).
Shane Gallagher
Drowes Salmon Fishery
T: +353 (0) 71 98 41055
M: +353 (0) 87 8050806

Lough Melvin

  • For info/boat hire/bookings etc on Lough Melvin see or Tel: 071 9841055.
  • For info/Guides/boat hire on Lough Melvin contact Sean Maguire’s Tackle Shop, Main Street, Garrison.
  • For bookings/guides etc on the Rossinver Fishery contact Bill McNeary, Tel: 071 9854930