With the weather working against our boat angling enthusiasts recently, guide Richie Ryan had to seek a haven for a group of Antrim bass anglers from a shore mark instead of his beloved Sea Hawk. It’s an awful long way to travel for bass fishing so no pressure Richie ! With the outer marks blown out of the equation, the Eire Bass guide had to resort to an estuary mark. The secret of these marks says Richie, is timing the tidal state to coincide with the movement of the bass. This is where local knowledge pays off.

With a strong South Westerly wind blowing in the face of the anglers conditions were tough but they persisted and were eager to catch a bass. Luck was on their side as 3 nice bass fell to soft plastics. Nothing really big , but they were bass. Some had their first ever bass. Happy anglers, happy guide !

One regret Richie had was that young Scott Stewart did not land his quarry. They caught left and right of him. Boy did he try, a very keen fisherman, Richie says he’s going to make a superb angler.
Richie Ryan
Saltwater fly fishing Guide.
Make a booking
If you want to book Richie then go to www.corkbass.com
Eire Bass – Richie Ryan
Saltwater fly fishing Guide.
Web: www.corkbass.com E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +353 (0)86 1940744