I am sure that those who attended the last workshop run by saltwater fly-fishing expert Jim Hendrick will be delighted with the news and chomping at the bit to get to the next workshop announced today. Those who missed out on the last one will also have the opportunity to register but as usual the advice is book early to avoid disappointment. The feedback on the last primer was second to none with some fantastic testimonials received.
Bob Hurley really enjoyed the event saying “I found the primer very beneficial to me personally. There was a lot of thought and effort with regards to the course content and instruction. The instructors are world class in their respective fields. They imparted a wealth and knowledge and tips over the three days that will prove invaluable in what is a challenging method in pursuit of bass and sea trout. Being in the company of kindred spirits is always great fun.” Read more about this previous event HERE.
Jim says that this 3-Day event scheduled for October 2016 will consist of a series of workshops and guided fishing which can be used as either a primer or indeed as advanced lessons, depending on your requirements, in the three aspects of saltwater fly fishing in Ireland.
- Fly fishing
- Fly casting
- Fly tying
According to Jim, the emphasis over the three days whilst not strictly placed on bass fishing is firmly based in the techniques used to catch them on the fly in Ireland. This of course also means if you wanted to catch stripers in the USA the workshops and the information will transfer to a large extent. Aspects of the workshops will also transfer to other species like sea trout and pollack that can also be caught on a fly in saltwater in Ireland. Experts in each of the disciplines will present across their relevant areas.
The timing of the event will coincide with a superb sequence of tides for the Wexford coast during October of 2016. Places are strictly limited to nine people. Groups of three will be facilitated through two workshops on each discipline over the three day period. Jim also invites you to consider a few days before or after the workshops to meet and fish casually along the Wexford coast.
Fly fishing from Jim’s new Boston Whaler will also feature as an option for those interested and he is considering incorporating this into the workshops.
Further details will become available before Christmas 2015 at 30yds. Click HERE for the latest information.