Tom Collins of in Union Hall West Cork reports that despite difficult conditions offshore for shark fishing on Saturday, 11 July, he still managed a shark for everybody on board.

A nice blue for anglers fishing with Tom Collins
A nice blue for anglers fishing with Tom Collins

On Sunday he was out again and after getting pleny of big mackerel for bait they were soon amongst the blues. There are plenty of smaller shark passing through at the moment average size 50-60lb. Tom tells us that while they are no monsters they are in great condition and give good sport on light tackle.

Greg with a good pollack

On Friday, 09 July, Greg Latour of Tir na Spideog was out on the high seas for a change. He tells us that the deep sea angling on the Rod’n’Reel, also out of  Union Hall was average due to the coloured water. They caught some nice big fish and a lot of species, making a good day – but we didn’t take home as many fish as they normally would. Among the catch were bullhoss, conger, cod and pollock.

A good shark on the Boy Scott

Meanwhile on the second boat in the Irish Deep Sea Charter fleet, Boy Scott, skipper Adrian Nowotynski reports that they had fantastic sharking – “We only had the first 2 lines in the water when the first one took off, we lost that one then the other one ran. We lost the first few but were getting run after run. In the end we settled on one rod and gave up on the balloons and were simply throwing the bait to the waiting sharks. Its seems we could have had any amount of them today. 2 blueshark were caught and a few lost.”

On the following Sunday, 12 July they had a good day on the Cod and Pollock in deeper water with the majority of the fish landed being nice size fish. There were a few Ling about as well.

Go Fishing…

Sea Angling Charters

Sea Angling Charters is a modern and energetic business driven at the helm by experienced angler and skipper Tom Collins.  Whether you are a seasoned angler in pursuit of a catch of a lifetime or a passing tourist hoping to get that photo of a breaching whale we aim to fulfil your every need.
Tel: +353 87 2792983

Irish Deep Sea Charter

Jim and Adrian Nowotynski are a father and son team that skipper the Rod’n’Reel and Boy Scott out of Union Hall and Glandore Harbour.  We have excellent fishing with huge variety all within 45 minutes of leaving port – so more time fishing.
Jim: +353 (0)87 7613171 Adrian: +353 (0)86 3314224
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