Luke Aston from Carrigaholt reports that he got out west on the reefs on Sunday and caught some fine lumps of pollack.  An early start on Monday saw a few Tope on the last of the flood and then a Ray and Doggies session after a late breakfast. And on Tuesday Luke had a  lovely day out with great fishing. Plenty Spurdog, Pollack and even double shots of Cod.

Sunday’s catch

Carrigaholt - Pollack

Monday’s catch

Carrigaholt - Tope

Tuesday’s catch

Carrigaholt - Luke Aston

Luke Aston
Clare Dragoon

Go fishing…

Clare Dragoon is a LOCHIN 366 powered by 650HP engine that operates out of Carrigaholt Co. Clare.

I have some offers up on my web site and if anybody is interested in putting a trip together please do get in touch. Also I Twitter from the boat on @fishandstay and try to update my face book page fairly often!

To experience some of the best deep sea fishing available in Ireland contact Luke.
Telephone: +353 65 9058209 or +353 87 6367544
Email: [email protected] Web: